Fitness on Tap Yoga Series 7 (Four Different Routines)


Learn 4 different Ashtanga yoga routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (30 different routines in the entire series which can be purchased as sets or the entire series of 30 for a discounted price). In the seventh set you will learn: Table Top Variations, Fish Pose Variations, Back Openers, and Experience Poolside Yoga.



Learn 4 different Ashtanga yoga routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (30 different routines in the entire series which can be purchased as sets or the entire series of 30 for a discounted price). In the seventh set you will learn:

25. Table Top Variations Core-Hip Abduction
26. Fish (Matsyasana) Flying Fish Posture, Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana), Two Knee Spinal Twist Posture (Supta Matsyendrasana)
27. Poolside Yoga, Wide Legged Forward Bend/Lateral Lunge (Prasarita Padottanasana)
28. Variations of prior asanas


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