Fitness on Tap Yoga Series 4 (Four Different Routines)


Learn 4 different Ashtanga yoga routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (30 different routines in the entire series which can be purchased as sets or the entire series of 30 for a discounted price). In the fourth set you will learn: Balance Poses, Hip/Back Openers, Closing Series Postures, and New Combinations/Variations of Previous Poses.



Learn 4 different Ashtanga yoga routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (30 different routines in the entire series which can be purchased as sets or the entire series of 30 for a discounted price). In the fourth set you will learn:

13. Tree Pose (Vrksasana), Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana), Locust Pose A (Shalabhasana B), Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana), Head to Knee Posture (Janu Sirsasana A)
14. Half Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Posture (Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana), Pigeon Posture (Kapotasana C), Eastern Intense Stretch Posture (Purvottanasana), Whole Body Supported Posture/Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) Plow Posture (Halasana)                                                          15 + 16. Combinations/Variations of Previous Poses



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