- Learn 4 different exercise routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (There are 30 different routines in the entire series which have been broken down into 8 sets for you to purchase, or you can purchase the entire set of 30 for a discounted price). In the seventh series you will learn:
25. Out of Town Exercise Using Bed: mountain climbers, single leg squats, push ups, lunges, tricep dips, single limb calf raises
26. Pilates: ab scoop, the hundred, saw, mermaid, side kick series, roll up, wall roll down
27. Dynamic Stretching: calves, hip adductors/abductors/flexors (quads), hamstrings, trunk rotators/lateral flexors/flexors/extensors, piriformis, shoulder horizontal abductors/adductors/flexors/extensors, cervical
lateral flexors/rotators
28. Work Health/Ergonomics: parking further away/taking stairs, neutral seated posture, seated calf stretch, hamstring stretch, pec stretch, Cervical spine rotation, pelvic tilts, standing trunk extension, standing quad
stretch, standing hip adductor stretch, standing calf stretch, lateral trunk rotation, trunk rotation, overhead reach anterior chest/trunk/shoulder stretch, proper shoe wear, proper bag carrying position
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