Fitness on Tap Exercise Series 5 (Four Different Routines)


Learn 4 different exercise routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (There are 30 different routines in the entire series which have been broken down into 8 sets for you to purchase, or you can purchase the entire set of 30 for a discounted price). In the fifth series you will learn routines using battle ropes, resistive tubing, the pool, and the great outdoors (no equipment needed).


Learn 4 different exercise routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (There are 30 different routines in the entire series which have been broken down into 8 sets for you to purchase, or you can purchase the entire set of 30 for a discounted price). In the fifth series you will learn:

17. Battle Ropes:  snake (with squat), arm circles, in/out horizontal abduction/adduction, lateral rotation slam downs lateral jumping in/out of rope, scissor jumps
18. Resistive Tubing:  sidestepping, bicep curls, shoulder external rotation/flexion/abduction, overhead tricep extension, hip abduction, upward rows, ankle pumps
19. Pool Workout:  treading water, arm circles, horizontal abduction/adduction, running in place, buttock kicks, swim kicks, prone hip abduction/adduction, crunches, straight leg
20. Outdoor workout no equipment:  kick sidestep/backstep/run with push up, lateral squats, lateral and backward lunges, running in place, jump squats, calf raises (single and double), jump lunges, kicking, jumping single limb lateral lunge, jump squats, forward lunge, lateral lunge with leg lift, buttock kick, toy
soldier, jumping jacks