Fitness On Tap Exercise Series 4 (Four Different Routines)


Learn 4 different exercise routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (There are 30 different routines in the entire series which have been broken down into 8 sets for you to purchase, or you can purchase the entire set of 30 for a discounted price). In the fourth series you will learn routines using a BOSU, weighted ball, kettlebells, and bolster roll.


Learn 4 different exercise routines lasting roughly 10-15 minutes each (There are 30 different routines in the entire series which have been broken down into 8 sets for you to purchase, or you can purchase the entire set of 30 for a discounted price). In the fourth series you will learn:

13. Bosu:  single limb hip abduction, single leg dead lift, bent over hip extension, push ups, jump squats (double and single limb), push up, mountain climbers, tricep dips, single limb squats
14. Weighted ball:  burpees, seated lateral rotation taps, lateral jump taps from push up position, squats, toe taps on/off ball, lateral lifts diagonal, lateral trunk rotation, dead lifts, off set push ups, mountain climbers
15. Kettlebells:  dead lifts, lunges, bicep curl, overh,tead press, swings with hip thrust, bent over rows, lateral trunk flexion, burpees, overhead tricep extension, offset push ups
16. Bolster roll:  plank crunch roll, push ups, quadruped shoulder flexion/hip extension/combination, standing hip abduction/adduction, single limb dead lifts, lateral jumps over bolster, bridging, seated crunch roll outs, tricep dips


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